Tuesday, April 10, 2012

random update

Salam! hai! its been a while doing my internship, now i have some space to updated my blog.

doing my intern, quite good for myself. do a routine job as a housekeeping. start at 9 am until 6 pm.
seriously now i know how to sacrifice with early wake up, to find a money to built our life. it is so hard. but somehow it does make to embrace my future.

anyway, alhamdulilah i bought new phone with my own money. somehow there is a picture that i want to show. maybe some of it, i already post it on my facebook account. well, show time :)

room tour :)

perasan pipi kurus

okay. saya nak buat benda lain pulak. bye. Assalamualaikum :)


  1. Helo deariee...
    akak tak ketahuan pulak Nabila ade blog.. haaa.. nampaknye akak akan jadi pengunjung setia la lepas neh hehehehe :)

    keep in touch..

    Kak Diyana

  2. heheh.. follow la kak diyana :)

    p/s: jgn bgtau sape ea :)) secret ni.
