Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Raya dah datang!

hai.korang!hari ni raya.
gambar di atas. tak maksud apa pun.sekadar hiasan.
Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya dan mintak maaf kalau tersalah kata.
Okay.selamat hari raya.drive safely.
much love from me.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Little of something.

dah berapa hari tak update???cakap!
hehehe..saya super busy.anyway dah nak raya kan???
baju raya pun dah ciap, kuih raya, kasut raya,eh apa lagi?
kemas rumah, and macam-macam la...
kat sini ada gambar yang saya nak share.
 tgk cam nak gaduh aku ni..haha
 cantik kan view?

 cntik view air teh susu.hehe

okay.take care rest!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Art is awesome

I kind a dream to have a room like this.so modern and simple.
Hope so. :)

vintage kan. sangat suka kalau meja,perabot warna putih.

what a cute duck.different colour.:)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Random some

 last year picture.
 on plane. journey to China.
What i ate on plane. :)
Love :)
Love the sky.

An advise


Dear readers?
Maybe i'm not getting super duper many followers.
But i'm just writing and go with the flow.
Well, pretty tough right. I mean to go on with our life.
But, you still gonna do it.

Sometimes, some people have good life which means had pretty good parents, lovey dovey parents,
I mean when they need something they can get in easiest way.
without to go through many hassle, challenge or anything. Well, i just does not so respect kind a people such like that. But they specially had receive so much grant. Pretty grateful for that.

And some of us, who a lit bit of less unfortunate.
Just what we calling, eat as they can eat, live as living they can through .
Even though, they want a better life.
I'm sure many of us, do not want to go on like that.
But what can we say, this is what we call Fate.

As a Human being, even we rich or poor.
we should be more grateful.
Because, in same time we can feel mercy of our creator.
How to live. How to face in living. How can we change the fate in order to be better person.
Do not take wrongly to blame our destiny.
Trust me, Allah create us as the best man.
So any bit of challenge, sad, happy.
we should be more grateful.
Do not feel a shame what we are.
But we should be proud we live and born as Muslim.

As me, i just can say i trough a lot of challenge in my life.
instead of being condemn, despise, being lightly.
But i'm still grateful, because in many challenge there's something that i received by people that i love.
 Such as My Mum, My aunt ( su),Che na, Cousins.
While in Beijing.

Until then. :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wishlist part 1

first thing that i'm craving sangat is Iphone 4.comel je kan...

second is about camera.hamboiii! sejak ada DSLR, asyik nak fikir tue je...

okay,nie lomo camera.comel jugak kan. :)

nie polaroid. pun sangat comel.tengah cari yang nie jugak.

sekarang saya gila loafers.

Okay. good night people :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Hi dear people.

well, its only  after subuh.
Lepas sahur tak bagus kan klu tidur.
heh. Its been long day and long month I got through my holiday.
Well, its bored! heh :)

Now listen, i got new hobby
Reading a book. you know how it takes?
well, i try to polish my poor English.
Lame right? Somehow, i did learn.huu :)
actually my hobby it is reading a book.
sebab masa kecik, mak cik saya yang study Amerika,rajin beli buku kat saya.
Most of them, English book.

but after i'm turned to secondary, i moved out from our old house
so, unfortunately my favorite book gone.
sad right. :(

Now, i'm turning to 23 years old.
the past year, i've been recognise by My Best friend about the new book and the author name's is Sophie Kinsella.
She wrote about Shopaholic.
well, its really good book.
Let me share with some pictures..

 Okay,this is the author.

From Meg Cabot.Also my Fav's. Heh :)

Okay then.
Take care baby!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Well. this my first photo
with DSLR.


talk until infinity.

Sometimes, i didn't mean to hurt. But doesn't mean  i'm being silent, you can do
whatever you want?

Reason? i dont have any of it.
i am certainly not to tell you that.
I read yours.
but its pity.
totally blunt.

Okay. prefer to keep it.

good night people. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Salam all.

I still believeeeeee!!! eh saya nak nyanyi lagu Mariah Carey ke apa nie.
oh tak actually.
hmm.today, adalah hari kematian saudara ibu saya.
Sakit yang sangat bahaya. iaitu Kanser serviks.
in the 3 months, she fight for her cancer.
But deep down, this is what we called believe in Qada' and Qadar.
Every minute,every second, death will come to us.
In Holy Quran had said that "Ku Fayakun" so it will be happen.

Whatever that we called, Life must go on.
As human, we must have faith and believe that we belong to HIM.

recite AL-FATIHAH for her..

Monday, August 8, 2011


Selamat Menjalani Ibadah puasa
Ahlan Wahsalan.
Ampun kemaafan kepada kawan dan sahabat Handai.



due to respect.
due to problem.
due to keep my heart felt any broken.
due to change.

i'm the only one.
sometimes tired.
they keep telling me.

this is the new me.
i hope more satisfy.
i gain more support.

i just have 3 things:


i learn new things.
Its not easy through this life.
Okay. :)
I hope u have faith in me.